What will it be like?
In the summer months Romania is a hot country. In the winter it can be incredibly cold. The kind of work in which you will be involved may take you out of doors, and into areas that are dirty and muddy and you should bring appropriate clothing. Please note that local churches tend to be very conservative and we operate a modest dress code on all of our sites. If you have any questions regarding this then please get in touch with us before you leave

While we would love you to just be able to come and spend time with us, due to our own internal policies and EU and Romanian law, there is some paperwork that needs to be submitted before we can invite you to come. Please contact us if you have any questions. Please download the forms below, complete them and submit them here.
Other Requirements
Current Police check (If you have questions about this, please ask)
Medical insurance (emergency travel insurance, and copy of EHIC)
Data copy of your passport
Copies of school certificates or diplomas
Immunizations: (Contact your doctor before you visit, if possible two months in advance. Whilst working here you may come into contact with people who have hepatitis A, B & C and Tuberculosis.